i say ho8 or something like that
Natural Selection
In natural selection process of evolution, traits that are essential for an individual to be fit enough to survive under environmental stress become dominant.
Since the flowers are of blue or yellow color, it is essential for a bee to be able enough to perceive the blue and yellow color. Hence, the eyes of bee with time have evolved to perceive these two color so that they can pollinate flower.
Sickle Cell Anemia:
What is the difference between sickle cell trait and sickle cell disease?
Huntington’s disease:
How does the mutant protein huntingtin cause Huntington’s disease?
Without the transformation of ATP to ADP our cells would not be able to produce any energy to function. also, all the mitochondria in the cells would die because this cycle is connected to the electron transport chain in which ions are converted.
Incubation stage is the stage where the prepares and begins a full on assault of your body.