Osmosis is the movement of water and is always the movement in the membrane. Diffusion does not need a membrane to make molecules and Diffusion is the movement of molecules. they do not require energy, they both move from a high concentrate to a low concentrate, and they both occur in plants and animals.
Answer: F stands for feather R stands for red and W stands for white.
A. Wide Valley, A. Superposition, and A. Disconformity
insertion mutation
a substitution mutation only changes one thing, but an insertion mutation changes everything after the point of insertion. The insertion pushes everything back, causing a chain effect
lets say i have the sentence "I have a dog"
a substitution mutation might change it to "K have a dog", seems kinda bad, but not as bad as "K Ihav e ado g" (result of insertion of K at beginning)
According to me no any benifits of pizza it is fast food producing many type diseases in stomach i think it is just for test