Far from being a once-a-week kind of faith, Islam is more of an all-encompassing lifestyle than just one part of life. Islam's holy texts, including the Quran and the Hadith, include guidance and direction for virtually every aspect of life, from socializing to praying. The daily life of a Muslim is heavily influenced by the words of Allah and the prophets.
1. Prayer
Daily prayer is central to the lives of millions of Muslims and is one of the five pillars of Islam.
2. Clothing
Islam urges its adherents to dress modestly at all times, both to discourage showing off one's body and to minimize sexual temptation.
3. Prohibitions
Islam provides guidance on what daily activities are haram (forbidden) and halal (encouraged and beneficial).
4. Interacting with Others
Muslims are required to treat everyone, even enemies, with courtesy and respect. With other Muslims, they offer a traditional Islamic greeting: "As-salamu alaykum," which translates to "Peace be with you." I
D. "State's should have more power than the national government and shouldn't have to follow their laws"
B) The European allies were still at war with Great Britain
Changes in the meatpacking industry with the passage of the Pure Food and Drug Act
Rainfall intensification, sea level rise, ocean acidification, hotter days, and longer and more intense heatwaves all point to the fact that climate change presents a major threat to Australia and the world.