Incorrect options are;
i. An interface can contain constructors
iii. The constructors in an abstract class should be private.
<em>Option i is incorrect</em>. An interface cannot be instantiated (object cannot be created from it) or extended (classes cannot inherit from it) and as such no constructors are needed.
<em>Option ii is correct</em>. You may declare a final abstract class. This would just mean the class cannot be instantiated and neither can it be extended. That would also mean a redundant class.
<em>Option iii is incorrect</em><em>. </em>A constructor in an abstract class should not be made private (although possible). Otherwise, not only will it not be instantiable, it will also not be extensible.
<em>Option iv is correct</em>. An abstract class can contain constructors. Since abstract classes can be extended, having constructors in them will allow classes, that inherit from them, to be able to create objects from them.