In the electromagnetic spectrum, the visible spectrum is the part, which is perceptible to the human eye. The electromagnetic spectrum in this array of wavelengths is known as simply light or the visible light. A general human eye will react towards the wavelengths in the range between 380 to 740 nm. A human eye sees the sky as blue that comes in the wavelength 490 nm because of the scattering of the visible light by the particles in the atmosphere. This concludes that 490 nm is the sole wavelength, which is reaching the eye.
The species that are mostly to be producers to be plants because they take in the light source aka the sun via photosynthesis. This takes up most of the energy in the ecosystem
Cell division & differentiation also happens in animals and plants, and is not limited to just human beings.
When a new technology is introduced, there is geo-testing performed to see how this new extraction method effects the environment. The over all effects and efficiency are what should determine the acceptance of these solutions.
A semipermeable membrane is a membrane that allows certain substances to pass through it. The most accurate definition is the third choice, "It is a barrier with tiny openings that let some, but not all, materials pass through." hope this helps:)