Fly eyes and mouse eyes look very different and have different structures. However, both types of eyes have the same function. They sense light and make vision possible. ... If the Pax6 gene coded for parts of the actual eye, then the fly would develop mouse eyes in addition to normal fly eyes when the gene was inserted.
Un nucleótido esta formado por una molécula de azúcar (ribosa en el ARN o desoxirribosa en el ADN) unido a un grupo de fosfato y a una base nitrogenada.
ADN, ARN son polímeros formados por largas cadenas de nucleótidos.
Las bases utilizadas en el ADN son: adenina, citosina, guanina y timina
En ARN, la base uracilo y ocupa el lugar de la timina.
The nerve cells are scattered in each layer of the body wall and these neurons send information from sensory organs. Based on the given choices above, the organism that has a nerve net that allows it to respond to a stimulus in a coordinated way is the HYDRA.
Members of the Hsp60 family (also called chaperonins) facilitate the folding of proteins into their native conformations. Each chaperonin consists of 14 subunits of approximately 60 kilodaltons (kd) each, arranged in two stacked rings to form a “double doughnut” structure
<span>pernicious form of anemia</span>