b. did not initially cover all categories of workers.
The American Social Security System was very different from what we know today, in its early years of establishment, during the New Deal. The main difference was that it did not cover all professional categories (which made it different from the European pension system). Professional categories were included in this system as the US economic condition strengthened through other New Deal reforms. This happened little by little, until it became what we know today.
A. A recession was occurring at the time
The election of President Bill Clinton in 1992 was favored because then-President George Bush embittered a drop in his popularity due to the economic recession that took place during his tenure (1989-1993). Bush prioritized foreign policy in his administration and increased bellicose spending, causing the fiscal deficit to widen considerably and contributing to the recession. This was probably the biggest cause of American dissatisfaction that culminated in the election of Bill Clinton.
Answer: Option(c) is correct
Performance is the factor which defines about the behavior of employees and workers in organization for working towards goal. Heading towards goals with objective, hardwork,passion,plan, effort etc describes level of performance a person is putting towards organizational goal.
Other options are incorrect because repetition of behavior in absent of reward, amount of adequate or inadequate behavior and level of enjoyment felt by task is not depicted through performance. Thus, the correct option is option(c)
Answer: No. The student is not right.
Explanation: The central limit theory states that if the sum of independent identically distributed random variables has a finite variance, then it will be approximately normally distributed.
Increasing the size of samples taken from a population, will make the sampling distribution of X look more and more Normal.
It illustrates INSTRUMENTATION as a threat to the internal validity of the experiment.