Euglena is a protist and it moves with the aid of structures called flagella
Flagella are known as locomotive cells which propels from the body parts of organisms . They are made of protein structures and formed in a helical manner.
They are whip like structures and usually helps in the movement of the protists through liquid surfaces through the whip like movement of the flagella.
All DNA is the same charge, It is ONLY size.
Hi! Can you please make your question clearer ?
well using logic c would be the correct answer seeing how a is going the opposite direction, b is going both directions and d is going on a stright line even though the disk is moving counter clockwise.
i kind of explained it up there ^
<u>Repeat a behaviour.</u>
When we adopt a new behaviour, a neural pathway is created and it gets stronger when we repeat until it become a new normal behaviour or a habit. When a message travels in a same neuronal pathway again and again, the brain begin to transmit it even more faster and these behaviours become automatic.