Great Britain was fully industrialized with it's cities having smoke coming out of it's factories from as far as your eyes can see and making materials and products that were traded almost all over the world. Unlike Britain, Russia was the complete opposite. Russia was a mostly had agricultual economy with a serfdom system that was more than 200 years old, having little to no factories and it's products, materials, etc coming from industrialized countries like Britain, France and the various German states at the time.
Concerns over shortages led to the passage of the Lever Food and Fuel Control Act, which empowered the president to control the production, distribution, and price of all food products during the war effort. Using this law, Wilson created both a Fuel Administration and a Food Administration.
By feeding their soldiers, they ensure themself that the army had enought food supply to stay as healthy as possible to fight and thus win batlles, to win wars.
During the era of imperialism, empires would experience resistance and rebellion because the conditions that many were put after being imperialized were undesirable and so resistance helped gain freedom from that imperial rule. One basic example of this was the american revolution. Since British rule wasn’t giving the colonists of America the freedoms they deserved, they decided to start a revolution so that they could thrive in their new home. This inspired many more revolutions to start, due to the oppression that many people faced under European rule, such as the French Revolution, the Haitian Revolution, Latin American Revolutions, and the Taiping rebellion. As a result of these revolutions, many new nations were formed and more ideas of what life should be like in the modern world started to emerge. Politics developed in the U.S to form new ways of government, more trade between countries resulted from growth in the industry, and many technologies were being improved because of the need for more and more products in the industrial age.
Huey long is the major critic during the term of President Roosevelt when he advocated a series of polices under New Deal program and the purpose of this program was to combat depression.
Huey long was considered to be a major political threat to President Roosevelt and implementation of his policies.
Huey criticized that his policies simply taxed the rich and it had not done anything worth to the poor. Huey became governor of Louisiana and he intimidated many officials with his aggression and violence. With the help of his intimidation and threat, he succeeded in doing good to the people by laying roads and taking up the projects of huge factory constructions. Huey was also nick named to be the king fish and Roosevelt opined that he is a danger to America. Huey Long sought to violence to do good to the people.
He also allured the people of giving free education a personal home and a car as an election promise to the people which greatly attracted them. In this excerpt, Huey criticizes the National recovery administration(NRA) which is one of the prime policy of New deal programs advocated by Roosevelt to combat Economic depression. the terms of the NRA is so strict that people could not carry out a simple business of a shoe stand in America. This sis the major criticism raised by Huey long against Roosevelt' policies.
The first prime minister of Britain was Robert Walpole