Dollar cost averaging is an investment technique which can make a person wealthy in the long run. In this technique, you will buy a particular stock constantly and regularly, regardless of the price. This will add-up and without noticing, you have acquired more than you'd imagine. On the other hand, Ten Percent Solution, you invest 10% of your earnings in a long-term investment, and is done on a regular basis.
The opening or introduction of your presentation is the ideal time to introduce the hypothesis. The tentative solutions are important about the presentation.
<h3 /><h3>What is a hypothesis?</h3>
A hypothesis is a theory that is put up as a potential explanation for a certain circumstance or condition but has not yet been shown to be true. Scientists can design a straightforward laboratory experiment to verify this theory.
In the context of science, a hypothesis is an assertion based on current knowledge that is appropriate for describing a particular phenomenon but whose validity has not been established or has not been independently tested.
Typically, the researcher's hypothesis is referred to as the alternative hypothesis, and any other result is referred to as the null hypothesis, or, more simply put, the opposite result from what was predicted.
Learn more about hypothesis, here
The demand for gasoline is elastic .
The elastic demand which is also termed as the price elasticity of demand, according to this concept the demand for a good is sensitive to changes in the price of goods, that means (according to this question ) if the prices of gasoline are increased by the service station owner, than the demand for gasoline would decrease . Here the demand would change by same percentage , that price would change.
The changes would directly impact our Exports.
When the national income of our trading partner increased, the purchasing capabilities that they have would also be increased.
Which means that we could sell a lot more product to that partner (increasing the export)