Answer and explanation:
First, let's understand the difference between categorical and quantitative variables. A quantitative variable can also be called a numerical variable. As this name suggests, it involves numbers. It can be measured numerically and be used in calculations - this is important, because not everything that has numbers is used in calculations; take the zip code as an example. On the other hand, a categorical variable cannot be expressed numerically in the same way described above. It is related to a certain quality or characteristic of something. For instance, you can attribute the number one to a person who is sick and the number two to a person who is not sick. The numbers are just a representation of the qualities; they won't be used in calculations. Now, we can safely judge the options given:
The price in dollars of statistics textbooks. --> quantitative
The working status of a computer part (working/not working). --> categorical
The gender of faculty in the mechanical engineering department. --> categorical
The number of miles until failure of a certain brand of tires. --> quantitative
The political party affiliation of students at OSU. --> categorical
The time to complete an exam. --> quantitative
The shirt sizes of a running club. --> categorical
counting items
First graders at this stage think more concretely(literal thinking) as they are only able to relate with what is more physical and present than abstract which have to do with concepts . They would be able to relate better at counting objects such as blocks and not advanced topics such as national issues.