secondary sex characteristics
A human has two sexual characteristics primary and secondary.
The primary characteristics are sex chromosomes, gonads, level of sex hormones, anatomy of internal genitalia and anatomy of external genitalia. They are present at birth.
The secondary sex characteristics are breasts, menstrual cycle and accumulation of fat in certain parts of the body which gives rise to the hourglass body form for women.
For men they develop a deeper voice, increase in height and weight.
Pubic hair grows in both sexes.
They develop when a person attains puberty.
Hence, Harrison's secondary sex characteristics were developed.
I believe the correct answer is: prior knowledge.
Cognitive theories are the studies of mental processes such
as attention, language use, memory, perception, problem solving, creativity,
and thinking, which is why they most strongly emphasize the principles of prior
knowledge. The most influential scientist in area of cognitive theories was Jean
Piaget who stated that babies are born with memory of the prenatal period and
have primitive intelligence. This two facts are very important base (prior
knowledge) for later learning which he divided in four stages: Sensorimotor
stage, Preoperational stage, Concrete operational stage and Formal operational
Mass society theory
Sometimes the motivations for large protests organized by college activists are criticized. Highly organized and attended protests in Washington, D.C., are seen as "spring break" for activists, who take part more for an escape and to belong to something than for anything else. What theory would support this critique?
Mass society theory is one of the earliest theories of social movement, mass society theory is a social movement that attract socially isolated people(individuals) seeking a sense of identity and purpose, it argue that individual in a large society who feel insignificant are brought together by a sense of belonging in which movement member would not have as an individual.
Mass society is a complex concept that it basic idea might be used by extremist movement to lure venerable individual
ideologically this concept of mass society has been used by conservative thinkers and other organisation of the society to express dismay about it process that individuals who partook in protests are just people who are socially isolated with no sense of actual commitment but for significant sake and sense of belonging.
Traditional confucian rituals