Body needs an approximate 10% fat
that would be genetics i belive.
Facet in health is well being its that a physical health and mental health.
Health is well being that important is to contributes the thought weight management, exercise and maintain the blood pressure.
- Health is well being important process to quality of life and affects to the others, its a complex interaction to the quality of life.
- Well being process is to maintain the dimensions of the well being:- emotional, physical, social, spiritual, environmental.
- Emotional is to the ability to the love and achieve the sense of life, these process to ability to feel and express to the human emotions,it is a dynamic frequently with being emotional.
- Physical is the regular checkup process to the disease checkup and provide the proper nutrients and quality of enjoyment.
- Social is to the includes to the respect of other and yourself to the build the community contributing interact to the global community demands and human personal role.
- Spiritual is that perform the high level of faith and hope to the community commitment to the provide meaning and purpose sense.
- Environmental is the effect to the physical environment to the human and maintaining the harm environment.
A: divergent boundaries
Explanation: I agree with what you choose
They are all the result of having open access to the resource. No one can be excluded from consuming it.