The Five Steps for Cost Benefit Analysis include:
1. Specify the possible options for action
2. List all possible outcomes
3. Determine probability of each outcome
4. Assign a value to each outcome
5. The sum of the values times probabilities for each option is the expected value of that option.
Production, implementation, and failure are all costs involved in making a decision.
Speedy results, saving energy, saving time and/or money, sense of achievement, raising of morale and/or confidence are all benefits involved in making a successful decision.
Validity analysis will tell us whether the predictor is actually measuring the variables at hand or not. Hence there will be a need for us to test the validity of the predictor as this will guide us into having the required results.
This change in price means that there is a shortage of lettuce and the price of tacos will increase. That if tacos are made with lettuce and everything else remains constant (ceteris paribus).
Groups that supported the patriot war effort was the Continental army, Smiths, farmers women (took mens jobs when they
were called for war) were all groups that supported the Patriot War.