the ip nat inside source command to link the inside local and inside global addresses
I hope this helps! :)
Keyborad,mouse,light pen, touch pad, microphone, etc
The answer to this question is given below in the explanation section.
#include <iostream>
// it is preprocessor director that manipulate the input output in the program
using namespace std;// it is used to format input and output
int main() {
// main function is started
int x = 5;
// variable x is declared and initialized with value 5.
int y = 6;
//variable y is declared and initialized with value 6.
int z = 34; //variable z is declared and initialized with value 34.
int total = (x+(x + y)*z+y);
// variable total is declared and initialized with value of x,y,and z. and calculation performed on these value such as (5+(5+6)*34+6) that is equal to 385.
cout << total;
// print the value of total variable that is 385
return 0;
Windows, icons, menus, and pointers does a graphical user interface (GUI) interact with a desktop or laptop computer.
- Windows, icons, menus, and pointers
Graphics user interface (gui) made a big resolution on desktop or laptop or tablet or workstation industries. In olden days till 1994 still, people were using the black and white computer where a desktop consists of keyboard and printer and monitors where display color white and black.
If we open a picture it will display only in black and white so games are in black and white mode. After windows 3.1 we have seen color picture and mouse interface is used. Since technology developed and interface in GUI is also developed improved in windows icon menu and mouse pointer.
As technology developed we going back to a dark mode such as black and white mode.