The correct answer is endorphins.
During strenuous exercise, the brain releases the neurotransmitter called endorphins. Endorphins are known as "feel good" chemicals that produce a feeling of euphoria, reduce anxiety and the ability to experience pain. Endorphins also produce a feeling of happiness and relaxation after an intense exercise session.
The powers of the United states federal government are given to them by the U.S Constitution in the Congress, the President and the Federal courts, respectively.
C. Pragmatics
Pragmatics, defined in the 1930s by Charles Morris, is one of the studies of linguistics that covers the use of language in social spheres and how people elaborate and understand meanings by using language. In this case, Ariel is having problems to comprehend the context in which the conversation of the other two kids is taking place, trying to unsuccessfully be part of the interaction.
The answer is subconscious. It is because our subconscious is the part of the mind in every individual in which a person is not fully aware of all the things around him or her but in a way these influences other people without knowing it and the defense mechanism are the one responsible for protecting an individual in things that may affect the person without knowing it such as his or her feelings.
Whenever a research is done, you must reject or accept a null hypothesis (the one you consider is not correct) or your work hypothesis (the theory you think is must probably accurate or close to the truth) usually, when performing a research, you will not always obtain positive or statistically significant results, that validate your hypothesis. Is actually, not unusual that extremes (or extraordinary results) come out (unexpected for several reasons: incorrect size of the sample, improper selection of the subjects- a bias- lack of correct determination of the variable measured or failure to determine the type of the variable-numerical, categorical, ratio,etc-)
Positive or negative results are yet, results whether they prove or reject your hypothesis. Failing to establish a scientific hypothesis does not necessarily mean that they did something wrong, it just says that the hypothesis tested does not approach correctly to the epistemological truth (ultimately, any research is only a mere approximation to reality). Therefore, when two scientists deny sharing<em> unusual results</em>, they are acting unethically, hiding results that can mean something from a different point of view.
Nicholson, R. S. (1989). On being a scientist. Science, 246(4928), 305-306.