"Peace in Our Time" iconic words from Wilt Chamberlain's speech that were sadly proven to be complete mistruths almost completely after they were uttered. Wilt Chamberlain was prime minister of the Uk during the prelude to WW2. He is often given some of the blame for the war because of his policy prior to it. This policiy of his most now refer to as appeasement. Appeasement can be summarized as peace at the sake of sacrifice. Not wanting another war, Chamberlain did everything he could in order to avoid war with Germany. Whether it be ignoring Anchlust, or the take over of Czechoslovakia. He did all these things because he believe that german aggression would end when the germans received the land they desired. This idea, to the worlds detriment, was complitely wrong. In his speech he covers his quest for world peace, soemthing that would not come to fruition. With the invasion of Poland Chamberlain resigned his position further tarnishing his legacy as the leader who let the germans grow without opposition.
The environment of the west coast was attractive for settlement because it had great weather and plentiful natural resources. The climate of the west coast was mild and it had dependable food that attracted the Native Americans