Embarrassment, envy, anger.
Global Warming- can be avoided through less CO2 emissions and working towards saving energy as well as producing electric cars.
Water Crisis- can be avoided by stopping privatization as well as practicing not wasting water.
Recycling can help save landfills as well as the ocean from being filled with harmful plastics
Composting can help create healthy soil
Stopping the use of single-use plastics can also reduce the amount of plastic that ends up in landfills and the ocean.
A young person may forget to use contraception.
A young person may display impaired judgement.
A fetus may suffer from the mother's pregnancy complications.
Heavy drinking can be injurious to health of a person. Increased amount of alcohol consumption can lead to serious health conditions such as impaired judgement. As the level of alcohol increases in the blood stream, a person's ability to think becomes lesser. The person starts to seem silly and make impaired judgements.
Various pregnancy complications also arise by alcohol consumption.