What does the prefix Iono mean?
a combining form with the meanings “ion,” “ionized,” “ionosphere,” used in the formation of compound words: ionophore.
Convective cloud types are indicated by the root word “cumulo,” which means “heap” in Latin. Convective clouds may become very tall and are rounded on top. Clouds are also classified by their altitude and their ability to create precipitation.
Iso-: A prefix meaning "equal," used in...
Iso-: A prefix meaning "equal," used in meteorology in conjunction with another word to denote lines on a weather map along which values of a given element, such as temperature (isotherm), are constant.
Endoplasmic Reticulum. -- Transport System.
Golgi Apparatus -- Delivery System.
Lysosomes - Intracellular Digestion Centers.
Ribosomes - Sites of Protein Synthesis.
Cytoskeleton - Support System.
Related to Movement.
When air is heated up the molecules spread out and move faster, so heat rises because it is less dense than the cooler air around it.
Hey my friend did this one on
Whenever Mendel performed a cross with pea plants, he carefully categorized and counted the many offspring. Every time Mendel repeated a particular cross, obtained similar results. For example, whenever Mendel crossed two plants that were hybrid for stem height (Tt), about three fourths of the resulting plants were tall and about one fourth were short. Mendel realized that the principles of probability could be used to explain the results of genetic crosses.</span>
Sartorius and Stapedius muscle
Sartorius is the longest and stapedius is the thinnest