Rodney and Elise are U.S. students studying abroad in Italy. When they are introduced to their host families, the families kiss
them on both cheeks. When Rodney’s host brother introduces himself and kisses Rodney on both cheeks, Rodney pulls back in surprise. Where he is from, unless they are romantically involved, men do not kiss one another. This is an example of: culture shock
Culture shock occurs when an individual experiences disorientation, confusion, anxiety, and similar emotions when encountering a cultural practice, belief, etc that is different from the ones held in his or her culture. This commonly happens when people migrate or visit a new country or a different society; additionally, culture shock is considered as part of the process of adapting to a new culture. Culture shock can be seen in Rodney's case as he is visiting a new country (Italy) and encounters a cultural practice that is too different from the ones in his country which is that men kiss on both cheeks, situation that causes disorientation and confusion in Rodney as in his country kisses between men are not common and have a romantic connotation. This implies Rodney is encountering a different culture and this causes culture shock.
Assimilated Assimilation is the process of taking in new information and make incorporate the new information into our existing knowledge. This process was described by Jean Piaget in his theory of cognitive development in children. Jesse is doing this by fitting the new information into his existing schema.
Based on the information provided it can be said that in this scenario the researcher is using the chain procedure known as total task presentation. This is a procedure that requires that the student perform the complete task every iteration until the entire chain is learned. Which is exactly what the researcher is making the adult student do in this scenario.
That well-intentioned people may perpetuate discrimination that is invisible to them
Fullinwider hopes to make some points with the "Land of Giants" thought experiment. He conducted an extensive research study and realized that sets of people that are well-intentioned may perpetuate discrimination that is invisible to them. Fullinwider pointed out that good people sometimes might show discriminating acts toward others