Foot-in-the-door technique.
The foot-in-the-door technique is a compliance tactic that involves getting a person to agree to a modest request so that, in the long game, they agree to a large request. In this case, the approach in the example is a Foot-in-the-door technique given that they first made a small request (wear a button) so that, after some weeks of wearing that, they accept the large request (adopt a dog).
Option C.
A fixed-ratio schedule is one that offers a reward every X amount of responses. This number will always be the same to create a habit.
The fixed ratio in this example is 10. Every 10 responses, you receive a reward within the game.
This leads to steady and constants responses until the reward is delivered.
Zoning is a legal act that being done to exclude a certain community from using a land. Technically, it can be considered as segregation, But It is illegal to use zoning to target a specific gender, race, or ethnicity. Usually, zoning is used to prevent a group of activist from disturbing the peace within a private community.
A wider range of sexual practices
The major difference between the bonobos and the chimpanzees are that while the chimpanzees are ruled by men who are occasionally violent, the bonobos are matriarchal.
As a result of this, the bonobos engage in a wider range of sexual practises and playful behaviours among themselves.