Life cycle of a moss
An embryo further develops into a pear-shaped sporangium, which is the *sporophyte stage of the plant*. The sporangium contains spore sacs, each of which is the spore mother cell that undergoes meiotic division to form four spores,The spores are released and germination
takes place giving rise to a protonema, which develops into a new gametophyte plant. The gametophyte generation or haploid phase of the moss is from the production of haploid spores after meiosis to the period just before fusion of the haploid antherizoid or haploid ovum. The sporophyte generation or diploid phase is from the diploid mother cells just before meiosis.
Examples of moss plants include Funaria hygrometrica, Polytrichum commune, Barbuda Indica.
The mechanism that affected the gene pool of the immigrants that entered the United states Through Ellis Island is Gene flow.
Gene flow involves the movement of genes or alleles between interbreeding populations of a particular species. In other words it is the movement of genes from one population to another population. Actually it may be an important aspect of evolution; evolution can occur as a result of genes being transferred from one population to another. Gene flow occurs when there is migration, since the loss or addition of people can easily change pool frequencies even without no other evolutionary mechanisms operating.
The main thing that Stanley Miller's experiment in 1953 illustrated regarding the origins of life was that "<span>a. It produced the chemicals of life by simulating earth's early conditions" since he shot a beam of light through different chemicals. </span>
Answer and Explanation:
<u>Cross:</u> aa Bb dd Ee x AA bb Dd Ee
We can calculate the probability of getting heterozygous individuals in the progeny by using the <u>product rule</u>. Assuming that these four genes <u>assort independently</u> (<em>events that occur independently from each other</em>), we can infer that the F1 will have the next genotypic proportions for each gene:
1) aa x AA
F1) 4/4=1 Aa
2) Bb x bb
F1) ½ bb
½ Bb
3) dd x Dd
F1) ½ dd
½ Dd
4) Ee x Ee
F1) ¼ EE
2/4 = ½ Ee
¼ ee
So, to know what the probability is that the F1 of being heterozygous for all loci, we must multiply the respective individual probabilities of getting a heterozygous genotype, like this:
1 Aa x ½ Bb x ½ Dd x ½ Ee = 1/8 AaBbDdEe
The right answer is: <span>organelle, cell, and tissue
<span>Muscle is a soft tissue, found in animals. Composed of muscle tissue and connective tissue (+ blood vessels + nerves). The muscle cells (a component of the muscle tissue) contain actin and myosin protein filaments that slide on each other, producing a contraction that changes both the length and shape of the cell.
</span></span>The muscle cells, like other cells, consists of a plasma membrane containing a cytoplasm, which is formed of an aqueous solution (Cytosol) in which there are many biomolecules such as proteins and nucleic acids, organized or not in the context of organelles.<span>