Overload: A principle of exercise that states that the only way to improve fitness is to increase over time. This can mean increasing the amount of resistance, increasing the amount of time, or increasing the speed. When just beginning an exercise, it is generally difficult
In todays culture, online adds and social medias, stress the ideal body image to be nearly impossible to maintain. For example, popular icons are always a big influnce to people, inspirering plastic surgery to alter their appearence to have the 'ideal body image'. However, there are some positive impacts tecnology, and social medias can encourage. That being; helping people find their style, or inspireing them to work twards something they want to achive. In all honnesty it depends on how you take in what social midia, adds, and tecnoligy puts out for you.
(please excuse any typos, you may need to proof read.)
It is true that the five stages of grief are not experience in a neat or sequential order because others do not have to go through the five stages in order to heal. Some people resolve their grief without going through any of these stages of Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression and Acceptance
take it easy
tennis is a pretty hard sport to learn. For you to pass the tryouts for freshman year, you would need at least 1-2 years of practice. its impssible to learn this sport in 2 months.