The reasoning used is <u>inductive reasoning</u>.
The type of reasoning where the examples are used to derive conclusion it is called as inductive reasoning. The end is the theory or plausible. This implies the end is the piece of thinking that inductive thinking is attempting to demonstrate. Inductive thinking is likewise alluded to as 'circumstances and logical results thinking' or 'base up thinking' since it looks to demonstrate an end first. This is normally gotten from explicit occasions to build up a general end.
As the given examples quotes many examples of desert and then derives conclusion out of it, this is considered as example of inductive reasoning.
It is the process where by plants manufacture their own food by using raw material such as carbon (iv) oxide, water and sunlight.
So base on the question that states and ask to give the name of one cell type that continues to divide throughout a person's lifetime and also on who does not, with that question, the cell that divide through persons lifetime is a Mitosis or skin cells, an example to this is the skin, and the who doesn't divide is i think the brain cells, it doesn't regenerate
<span>Gametogenesis is the process of forming gametes (by definition haploid, n) from diploid cells of the germ line. Spermatogenesis is the process of forming sperm cells by meiosis (in animals, by mitosis in plants) in specialized organs known as gonads (in males these are termed testes).</span>