b. template<classT>.
Template functions are that can work with generic types. Template lets us to create a function so that more than 1 type or class can adapt the functionality of that function.
We can write the template function as following:-
template<class typename>.
It matches to the option b.
eye contact with the audience, thorough research, you must give your audience time to ask questions
All options apply to the question because each one reflects one side of technology in relation to the artist's case (that could be a software engineer or a even a hardware designer).
Letter a applies to the question in terms of computer program's behavior with no people's assistance, which is something not real for the present time, although it is easy to imagine that it is going to be a reality in a near future for all the improvements engineers and developers have made. Letter b also applies because computers and softwares have become one of the most important tools for artists around the world, whether for researching and/or for sharing and/or selling their productions, however it is a radical idea to think an artist is not necessary anymore, that is similiar to say human beings are not necessary only because machines have improved. Letter c also applies to the question for all improvements made in art and art forms after all improvements made in technology and tools for technologies development. And, letter d also applies because computers may be used for studying and/or working, which is the perfect tool for a workplace, and this is why it has become essential in many organizations, companies, subsidiaries, agencies, schools, and more.
True because that's what i said it is
The answer is D
file association associates a file with an application capable of opening that file. More commonly, a file association associates a class of files with a corresponding application.