La investigación aplicada se refiere a la cuestión teórica o práctica que es importante para iniciar un argumento a qué componente del argumento se relaciona con ese tema.
La investigación aplicada es el estudio científico que ayuda a resolver problemas prácticos. Este tipo de investigación se encarga de resolver problemas cotidianos que tienen un gran impacto en nuestra vida, trabajo, salud y otros aspectos. Este estudio científico resuelve los problemas tanto teóricos como prácticos de manera adecuada, por lo que podemos concluir que la investigación aplicada es esencial para resolver problemas.
Acid reflex -- Tupid cell rules
Acid reflex. Cells never use this ability until well into the stone ages. Acidic cells need to transfer their proteins before mitosis, so acid reflex is a paradox when everything is following Tupid cell rules.
There are gaps in the fossil record because many early forms of life were soft-bodied, which means that they have left few traces behind. What traces there were may have been destroyed by geological activity. This is why scientists cannot be certain about how life began.
Ya...both are correct ! so go for that !
The answer to your question is "asthma".
In its earliest medical application, the herb from which amphetamines are derived was used as a treatment for asthma.