ketchup because all of the others are objects with certain creative functions but ketchup is just K e t c h u p.
Option (ii) is the correct option to the following code.
In the following code of the Java Programming Language, there is two print function after the set function then, we firstly set the value of x and print it through print function which is already declared then, we set the value of y through set function then, print the value of y through print function. So, that's why the following option is correct.
Goal-based decision making is goal generation together with goal-based planning
This decomposition of decision making in goal generation and planning raises several
questions, such as:
– How to represent beliefs? How to represent obligations? In this paper we represent
beliefs and obligations by rules, following the dominant tradition in deontic logic
(see e.g. [26,27]).
– How to develop a normative decision theory based on belief and obligation rules?
In this paper we introduce a qualitative decision theory, based on belief (B) and
obligation (O) rules.
The printer paper dusts are the enemies of printer !!