The Great Society legislation together with the New deal was also a large social welfare program.
The New Deal was established to tacks the economic crisis in the country, while the Great Society was established when the country was experiencing relative success and prosperity.
Johnson who was the President at that believed that Franklin Roosevelt’s policies did not efficiently tackle poverty in the country which was why he established the Great Society legislations in order to add to New Deal programs so that the both of them could cause a significant impact on the lives and welfare of the citizenry.
C.) Great Lakes Region, as it was intended to provide for troops during the French & Indian War which took place between and around the border of what is now Canada and the colonies.
Find the explanation below.
Democratic ideals are those principles that form the basis for a democratic government. These principles are basically centered on the preservation of human rights. They include the right to life, freedom of worship, right to an education, freedom of speech, right to a fair trial, etc. The Jewish scholars believe that the statement that man was made in the image of God implies that God conferred special honor to man which was not bestowed on other creation.
This translates to a democratic ideal for democratic ideals dignify man and confers him with rights. These ideals also elevate man protecting him from being treated animals with no much value. Any idea geared at mistreating or administering harm on man is regarded as undemocratic.
During the 19th century, race moved from religious-based to scientific based. This era resulted in scientists trying to prove that some races are genetically superior to others.
This type of racism called on scientists to take data (like facial features, distance between body parts, shape of head) in order to analyze it. At one point, it was argued that blacks had similar head shapes to that of chimpanzees and monkeys to prove their inferiority.
However, it is widely known now as a science based on false data, exaggerations, and lies in general.