Wrist and chest Monitor
The wrist and Chest Monitor would be the most useful in determining whether you are staying within your target heart rate zone during a workout because during workout or any kind of activity to get the heart rate of an individual it is mostly gotten from the chest and wrist of the individual.
Calorimeter is used to measure the amount of calories in the body or the amount of calories burnt during workout of the individual while the wrist and chest monitor measures the heart rate.
a girl is picking up her dog because she is about to throw it off a cliff
Schools can limit homework and lessen the amount of tests.
By limiting the amount of homework, it gives students the opportunity to attend extracurriculars all while maintaining healthy sleep.
Also, by using only a short number of tests, students can use the free time for more hands-on learning.
Do you have the answer choices? Typically, it would be pouring the required amount into the bottle cap and then transfer them to the medication cup. Has the least risk of contamination for both the meds in the cup and in the bottle.