So we are using the denominator 20.
1/2 of 20 would be 10.
So, out of 20 we multiply it by 10 since it is our numerator.
Now, we have converted it to 100/200.
Freshman : 100 students
Sophomores : 10 students
Juniors : 20 students
Seniors : 70 students
4th option (sqrt(10))/2
Step-by-step explanation:

3 unidades de comprimento
Step-by-step explanation:
O perímetro é definido como a soma de todos os lados.
O perímetro de um quadrado de lado 2x é dado por:

O perímetro de um retângulo de comprimento x e largura x² é dado por:

Para que ambos os perímetros sejam iguais:

O valor de x é igual a 3 unidades de comprimento.
General Idea:
The angles which occupy the same relative position at each intersection where a straight line crosses two others. If the two lines are parallel, the corresponding angles are equal.
The angles that are formed on opposite sides of the transversal and inside the two lines are alternate interior angles. The theorem says that when the lines are parallel, that the alternate interior angles are equal.
Applying the concept:
Angles PBC and BAD are congruent by the <u>Corresponding Angle Theorem</u>.
Angles ABC and BAT are congruent by the <u>Alternate Interior angle Theorem</u>.