That is False the adult human body only has 206. :) -BlackCanary
The answer is C- It’s harder for tobacco companies to attract new smokers without advertising.
Pessimism would be the term. A pessimist often focuses on the most dangerous or bad outcomes in life, letting it cloud their happiness and judgement occasionally(being a mindset/lifestyle and all).
Firstly, make sure the environment you are in is safe. Are you in a dangerous, or frightening environment? Also, always make sure you are looking out for yourself. Often, we humans, get ourselves into threating situations with loved ones, but we often do not see any red flags, because, as the saying goes, "Love makes you blind." Make sure your environment, and the people you are around are not abusive to anything or anyone around you. This can often lead to very bad circumstances, and just making some of these proactive choices can prevent some very bad things from, happening.
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