to bring oxygen and remove carbon dioxide from the body
Enzymes are specialized proteins that speed up chemical reactions, biological catalyst.
malai tah navatako awsatha haha halka ramaila lo hoho vadragol
From the contour line that is a combination of two line segments that connect but do not intersect, 500 and 750 represent elevation on the topographic map. There are 5 contour lines in between the given elevations 500 and 750, therefore, the contour interval is 50. Since the peak of the mountain is 2 contour lines from 750, the elevation of the mountain is 850. Hence, the answer is 871 meters.
During telophase nuclear membrane is formed, nucleolus appears and astral rays disappear.
During telophase, the effects of prophase and prometaphase - the nuclear membrane and nucleolus disintegrating are reversed. Two daughter nuclei form in each daughter cell, and phosphatases dephosphorylate the nuclear lamins at the ends of the cell, forming nuclear envelopes around each nucleus.