command prompt shutdown/s or alt f4
Rest your fingers gently on the home row or home keys.
Rest your palms on the keyboard.
Relax your fingers.
All the above are proper keyboard techniques apart from slouch in your chair. It is always recommended to sit up straight with your feet positioned on the floor for balance. Do not cross. Center your body to the H key and have your elbows at sides and bent about 90 degrees. Use correct fingering and deploy touch typing. These and many others will help develop optimal speed and accuracy and help prevent the development of stress injury.
b. template<classT>.
Template functions are that can work with generic types. Template lets us to create a function so that more than 1 type or class can adapt the functionality of that function.
We can write the template function as following:-
template<class typename>.
It matches to the option b.
Option (a), (d) and (e) is the correct option to the following question.
Because most of the application is that type which consuming a lot of power because of their features and the functionality and also these applications have large in size. The mobile phones also consume power when the brightness of the mobile is set at a high level and also when its VPN is connected or connected through the WIFI.