Nepal is multi media is co on of this
565 x 3% = $16.95
$656 - $16.95 = $548.05
Raise the income tax, which gives citizens less money to spend, and buy more services from civilian - owned businesses, which creates more jobs.
To prevent inflation, Lilliput's government should raise the income tax, which gives citizens less money to spend and buys more services from a civilian-owned business, which creates more jobs.
In this way, it can increase employment and reduce consumer spending which in turn will prevent inflation.
Brand Awareness
Brand Awareness measures how many consumers in a market are familiar with the brand and what it stands for and have an opinion about it. Brand awareness is further consisted of 2 elements:
1: Brand Recognition: is the ability of consumers to confirm previous exposures to brand when they are presented the brand as a cue. For example, if you go to a store, will you be able to recognize the brand to which you have been already exposed?
2: Brand Recall: It is the consumers ability to retrieve the brand from their memory if they are given product category or usage occasion as a cue. For example, when you think of carbonated drink, then what brand comes into your mind?
Interest rates would increase since the tax-exempt status of municipal bonds would lose some of its appeal and there would be less of a market for them as a result of the lower income tax rates.
When the income tax rate is reduced for municipal bonds, the value of the bonds will also decline because the tax-exempt status for the bonds will also be reduced as a result of the lower income tax rate. Additionally, it lessens the demand for municipal bonds.
To know more about the municipal bond visit here :