A new cream was developed to reduce the irritation caused by poison ivy. To test the effectiveness, researchers placed an ad online asking for volunteers to participate in the study. One hundred subjects replied and were informed that one group would receive the new cream and the other would receive a cream with no active ingredient. All 100 subjects were exposed to poison ivy. Fifty were then randomly assigned to the group with the new cream, and 50 were randomly assigned to the group with the cream with no active ingredient. After three days, the subjects’ level of irritation was measured.
Which of the following statements is true about the benefits of random assignment?
The variability between each subject may not be evenly distributed between the two groups, so any observed differences in the level of irritation between the two groups would not be due to the new cream.
The variability between each subject would be evenly distributed between the two groups, so any observed differences in the level of irritation between the two groups are more likely due to the new cream.
The variability between each type of cream would be evenly distributed between the two groups, so any observed differences in the level of irritation between the two groups are guaranteed to be due to the subjects.
The variability between each subject may not be evenly distributed between the two groups, so any observed differences in the level of irritation between the two groups may or may not be due to the new cream.
Basketball is very rough and I know because I have played for 7 years. We should have more protection on our legs and maybe our arms because we do fall a lot and have to defend which gets very physical. I mean some do where knew guards but I think it should be a requirement
B. Maximum Lightheadedness Because being light headed is not a benifit in any way
An organelle found in large numbers in most cells, in which the biochemical processes of respiration and energy production occur. It has a double membrane, the inner layer being folded inward to form layers.
Maybe certain types of clothing/shoes to state where it’s from in the world. So you can understand okay my items are coming from here and there made this way and such and such happens there, and then determine if you would still like to buy that product.