Galileo relied completely on what today is understood as the scientific method direct observation and experimentation rather than the Bible or received tradition in his study of astronomy.
Galileo was the towering scientist of his age, much as Einstein was in the twentieth century. If, as we should, we associate the Renaissance with the beginning of the movement from the centrality of faith to the centrality of reason, he is the exemplar of reason for his period.
He developed the telescope, he was able to study the movement of the planets, discovering the four largest moons of Jupiter and determining that Aristotelean cosmology (a received tradition) was in error, causing a huge stir in the scientific community.
Galileo also studied velocity, dropping balls of different weights (again using the scientific method of direct observation) from the top of the leaning tower of Pisa to time how quickly they fell. He demolished Aristotle's contention that objects of different weights.
It turns into gasthat's what your answer will be
I believe so, because no one would have to much power.
Petrarch's letter MOST LIKELY reflects the ideals of humanism.
Petrarch was a poet and scholar who pave the way of the Renaissance with his humanistic philosophy. He is also regarded as one of the father of contemporary Italian.
As a priest Petrarch was eligible for ecclesial posts, which promoted his belief in antiquity. He has also been able to seek lost classical texts as a diplomatic ambassador to the vatican. Petrarch gathered a good collection of such texts during his lives, which he then legacy to Venice in return for a house to shelter the pestilence.
Petrarch continued to admire the past and protest against shortcomings of his own day as he learned as much about the high middle ages. While Petrarch believed he existed "in varying and confounding winds," he hoped that civilization would again reach the heights of past achievements. His philosophy became recognized as humanism and formed a link between the Medieval period and the Renaissance.
Economists are important because they study a certain resource and figure out how to distribute it to others to get as well.
For example, An Economist might be studying a very scarce resource. This resource is something that is needed in everyday life. What an economist will do is find a way to make sure this resource is available to everyone. They could so this by creating another version of it or a different kind of it to distribute. Then they are helping the economy.