Peter works on a huge database of numerical figures in a worksheet ranging from cell A1 to cell I50. He has to print the workshe
et and carry it to a client meeting. Which options should he select to fit the page to a standard A4 page for printing? A. Left or right page orientation
B. Top and bottom page orientation
C. Landscape or vertical page orientation
D. Horizontal or vertical page orientation
E. Middle and side page orientation
In landscape he can mange the number of cell that are required to print on A4 page size.
On landscape orientation of the page we can add more columns of the sheet. That is the reason, we should choose landscape or horizontal page orientation to adjust all columns on the single page.
By choosing this option, Peter will be able to fit the huge table into an A4 sheet. If he chooses a landscape orientation, he will be able to fit a larger number of columns. On the other hand, if he chooses vertical orientation, he will be able to fit more rows. Looking at this option will allow Peter to better adjust the information he will present to a design that he is happy with.