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Texas seventh-grade social studies standards - IXLB define and trace the impact of "boom-and-bust" cycles of leading Texas industries throughout the 20th and early 21st centuries such as farming, oil and gas .
The message is; "annoying and carelessness"
It is annoying when Tony said "it looks great" to Arah without having look at her haircut. She had some kind of admiring expectations from him but Tony doesn't care about her haircut. This kind of reply is painful for her as it hurts feelings. Many bad incidents happen between friends but Arah's case is some kind of different as she is a woman and women always remain possessive about their beauty. They get happy when their beloved or friends admire them when they do something new or change any style. They expect something admired from other people, so keeping this in mind, Tony's reply was annoying and it gave a message of carelessness to her.
there will be more students with better percentages applying for various high education institutions as it should now be easier for them to pick subjects they are most confident in and that will be relevant for their further education