Divide 71 and 5 to get a decimal since 71 does not end with 5 or 0. Do it to get 14 1/5 or 14.2
Alright, so let's make both 7/8 and 3/10 into fractions with the same denominator.
The lowest common denominator for both of these is 80.
So, we multiply the top and bottom of 7/8 by 10, and the top and bottom of 3/10 by 8 to get fractions we can compare.
So, we have 70/80 of a candy bar, and we want to make servings of 24/80 each.
How many times can 24 go into 70? 2 times, with a remainder of 22.
So, Tony can make 2 servings.
58.6% of the variation in length (in cm) of new born boys and their weight (in kg) is explained by the line of best fit.
Step-by-step explanation:
Given the following :
R² value = 58.6% comparing the length (cm) of new born boys to their weight (kg)
The R² value is called the Coefficient of determination. It is obtained by taking the square of the correlation Coefficient (R). The value gives the proportion of Variation between the independent and dependent variables which is explained by regression line. In the scenario above, the R² value means that 58.6% of the variation in length in centimeter of new born boys and their weight (in kg) is explained by the line of best fit. While (100% - 58.6% = 41.4%) is due to other factors.
B has more because 10/5 is 2 and 8/12 is less