a American red cross
if was wrong I'm sorry just gor me I got right pls dont get mad
The second sentence would be the correct replacement for the sentence
I would say Recycling or using alternate power sources such as solar or wind
Long term effects of exercise Type of training
Cardiovascular system Cardiac hypertrophy; increased stroke volume (SV) at rest and during exercise; decrease in resting heart rate (HR); increase in cardiac output (Q); capillarisation at the lungs and muscles; increase in number of red blood cells Aerobic
Respiratory system Increased vital capacity; increase in minute ventilation (VE); increase in tidal volume (TV); decrease in breathing rate (BR); increased number of functioning alveoli; increased strength of the respiratory muscles (internal and external intercostals and diaphragm) Aerobic
Energy system Increased production of energy from the aerobic energy system; increased tolerance to lactic acid Aerobic; anaerobic
Muscular system Muscle hypertrophy; increased strength of tendons; increased strength of ligaments Resistance
Skeletal system Increase in bone density Resistance
Answer: All can be checked except for the "predict all future health issues" one