um idont know i was gping to ask the same question
Life Processing I Learnes this last year in 7 grades
The science is very important in the evolution and the improvement of the lifestyles of the human being. The researches in the sciences help in providing conclusions, which are helpful in day to day life. The technologies and innovations make life easier by providing various tools and techniques. Also, the researches in the science provide chance to improve lifestyle by providing scientific knowledge to improve the ethics, education, justice, aesthetics etc.
DNA is an example of a complex biological polymer called a nuclei acid. Nucleic acids are made up of many smaller sub units called nucleotides. The components of a DNA nucleotide are deoxyribose, phosphate group, nitrogen group. There are four possible bases in a DNA molecules which includes adenine, cytosine, guanine and tymine.
Topoisomerases are enzymes that produce changes in the topology of the DNA during replication, transcription, traduction, or reparation processes. They can cut one or both strands and in order to relieve torsional stresses in the supercoiled structure of DNA. With this, they help to maintain the chromosome's integrity. There are two types of topoisomerases: topoisomerase I (it cuts only one strand of DNA) and topoisomerase II (it is able to cut both strands of DNA).