Together We Can Create Digital Systems That Provide Scale, Speed & Enable GrowthCohesive Digital Strategy · Secure IT Infrastructure · Secure Digital Foundation · New Digital EconomyTypes: Digital Business, Digital Operations, Digital Systems, Digital Technology<span>Digital Systems & TechDigital OperationsDigital Business<span>Latest Thinking</span></span>
Answer: the continue numbering feature can be used to maintain the numbering order in a list and the restart at 1 feature can be used to make a new list
An application used to access and view websites
Have a look at the man page for printf:
man 3 printf
Rotation of an image
The correct answer is - Rotation of an image
Reason -
When you rotate an object, it moves left or right around an axis and keeps the same face toward you.
When you flip an object, the object turns over, either vertically or horizontally, so that the object is now a mirror image.