This book is so awesome...I read it last year, what an emotional rollercoaster.
The available options are:
A) Shaping; discrimination training
B) Modeling; syntax training
C) Imitating; expression training
D) Processing; academic training
A) Shaping; discrimination training
Shaping is a term in psychology that describes the process of reinforcing behaviours that are considered successively closer and closer to the target or desired behavior. It is sometimes reffered to as Successful Approximations.
On the other hand, Discrimination training is another term in psychology, that make use of reinforcement of a behavior in the presence of one stimulus but not others
Hence, in this case, Behavioral techniques are often used to address communication problems that occur with autism. SHAPING involves rewarding the child for progressive approximations of speech, and DISCRIMINATION TRAINING involves rewarding the child for making sounds that the teacher requests.
There was a need to set up these courts to deal with the matter which were not very important that they had to be dealt in the supreme court.
The act which was passed in the year of 1789 regarding the judiciary of the United States made a rule that certain judicial courts had to be established by the government of the United States.
According to the needs of the congress to deal with the matter which were not so important that they had to reported to the supreme court and only the matter which were very important would go to the supreme court.
This question is incomplete, here´s the complete question.
¿Sabes identificar las emociones de las personas que te rodean?
¿Cómo lo haces?
Answer: Aunque a veces es difícil, generalemente sí puedo identificar las emociones de quienes me rodean a partir de sus gestos y acciones.
Yo misma suelo intentar ocultar emociones que me hacen sentir vulnerable, como el miedo o la vergüenza. Pero así como yo puedo identificar las emociones de otros a través de sus gestos y acciones, seguramente mis estados de ánimo serán evidentes para quien observa con atención.
Los nervios pueden generar agitación, sudoración, temblor de las manos o cambio en el tono de voz. El enojo puede manifestarse con gestos y miradas que indican ira, e incluso con elevamiento del tono de voz, y el uso de frases agresivas. La alegría puede verse en amplias sonrisas y una fluidez en los movimientos del cuerpo.
Por supuesto, la mejor forma de expresar nuestras emociones es a través del diálogo, no sólo para poder conectarnos unos con otros, sino que además compartir nuestros sentimientos puede ayudarnos a procesarlos.