Following are the program in java
public class Vehicle // class vehicle of type public
private int modelYear;
Vehicle() // no parameters
vehicle(int t) // update the value of modelYear
public static void main(String args[]) // main function
vehicle ob=new vehicle();// creating instance
vehicle ob1=new vehicle(45);
Here we create a private data member i.e modelYear of integer type .
We create default constructor and initializes modelYear variable with 2018.
we create a parametrized constructor which update the value of modelYear variable.
From the main function we call both the constructors.
Correct answer is D
open is a function in c++ programming language used to interact with files.The function takes two parameters as input
- File name
- mode
File Name
File name is a string name of file to be opened.This is a compulsory parameter for open method.
Mode is an optional parameter in open function.Following are the accepted values of mode parameter
Prefix ios:: is added to start of each
- in (Open file in input mode for writing data to file)
- out (Open file in output / read-only mode to read data from file)
- binary (Open file in binary format)
- ate (Set the starting point of file to the end of file. Default starting point of file is start of file)
- "trunc" (If file is opened multiple times all previous data is replaced with new data)
- app (All operations of output are performed the end of file)
Use | operator to use multiple modes at a time.
Rules that apply to all situations and accasions in the music room
I hope this helps
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Open systems
Open systems are very different from Open Source applications or software, it should not be confused.
Open systems work with the blend of open software standards, portability, and interoperability. Computer systems that interoperate among multiple standards and vendors to ensure that computer resources (hardware and software) are not allotted to a particular vendor. Such computer systems are considered as open systems.
For instance, computer systems that run a Microsoft Windows OS can be considered as an Open system. This is because of their capability to run different versions of the Microsoft Windows OS on that particular computer system. More clearly, A computer with Windows 10 OS, can be used to install Windows 8 OS without any issue. That same computer system can run the Windows 7 OS. This makes the computer system and open system.