In sinusoidal functions or in waves, "phase" has two different, but closely related, meanings. One is the initial angle of a sinusoidal function at its origin and is sometimes called phase offset or phase difference. Another usage is the fraction of the wave cycle that has elapsed relative to the origin.
The LinkedIn Answers is a component of LinkedIn that allows
you to get fast and accurate solutions to your questions. It provides a forum
through which you can demonstrate your expertise by offering info to your
network. You should use LinkedIn answers to ask and answer questions.
Essentially, you should use it to provide examples to your work product,
decision making skills, and on an interactive basis.
mystr = input("Enter a string ")
length = len(mystr)
while length<10:
mystr = input("Enter a string ")
length = len(mystr)
if len(mystr)%2==0:
The variable mystr is used to save user's input which is received with the input function
A second variable length is used to save the length of the input string Using a while statement the user is continually prompted to enter a string while length is less than 10.
If length is greater or equal to 10. We check for even or odd using the modulo (%) operator.
We use lower() and upper() to change the case of the string
I'd go for (C) similarly but not exactly sizedBasically, to explain an orifice tube in Layman’s context, it
is a car’s air conditioning system and is the exact place where the cold
happens. Not all orifice tubes are standard sized and this means that different
model vehicles use different sizes. These tubes are often color-coded for easy