One of the biggest changes for businesses is the communication technology enabled by the internet. The way people communicate with one another, share files, make purchases, and collaborate has completely shifted since the internet became widespread.
<em>int fNumber,scndNumber = -1, </em>
<em>dup = 0;
<em>do {
<em>cin >> fNumber;
<em>if ( scndNumber == -1) {
<em>scndNumber = fNumber;
<em>else {
<em>if ( scndNumber == fNumber )
<em>scndNumber = fNumber;
<em>} while(fNumber > 0 ); </em>
<em>cout << dup;
Here three variables are declared to hold the first number which is used obtain all the inputs given by the user, second number to hold the value of <em>last encountered number and “dup” variable to count the number of duplicate values.</em>
<em>“Do-while”</em> loop help us to get the input check whether it is same as previous input if yes then it <em>adds to the duplicate</em> value otherwise the new previous value if stored.
1) You don't know if the source is reliable.
2) It is better to cite reliable sources so.