I have attached the answer as an image. I can't upload the file as it requires a licensed product and I only used demo version. I can provide the file too if you can give me your vlsig file required to use full software. However, If you just copy along the images on your Visual Studio, you will easily create the files yourself. Answer is provided for both scenarios as part A and part B, one which stops after 1 iteration and the one which loops until 0 height is given.
Encryption is a term in the field of computer security (Cryptology) this is a process of encoding information in a way that hackers and eavesdroppers cannot read. The process of encryption involves a plain text (message) been converted into a scrambled text (cipher text) with an encryption algorithm (key) in this way, if the message is intercepted by a hacker he/she is unable to read the contents. Only the authorized party with a decryption key will be able to decrypt back to a plain text and read the contents of the message
Please find the 3 options below.
To begin with, Task Manager in windows, is a monitor program that provides information or shows application and processes running on a computer. Task manager also provide insights about the general status of a computer. The three options for entering or accessing task manager in windows are:
1. Press Ctrl+Alt+Delete and then click Task Manager
2. Right-click the taskbar and choose Start Task Manager
3. Right-click the taskbar and choose Manage Tasks
The answer is transcript. When you apply for colleges and they want to see your high school records, they simply ask for your transcript. Hope I helped :)