Answer: B. From the sun.
Most producers absorb energy from the sun.
The role of deep fascia in compartmentalizing the segments of the limbs is to transmits the load between bones and intermuscular septa.
These compartment are known as osteofascial compartment, these compartment forms by the fascia that enables the means of containing and separating the groups of muscles into relatively well defined spaces that are compartment.
The deep fascia helps to support and protect muscles and other soft tissue structure. Also it provide a barrier against the infection from one skin to another. The fascia is a structure of connective tissue that surrounds muscles, groups of vessels and nerves.
To learn more about connective tissue here
Almost all the animals can heal wounds, but only some can regenerate. One hypothesis is that certain regeneration-specific genes are expressed exclusively in regenerative species and evolutionarily lost in nonregenerative species.
Good luck and have a great day!
Al igual que la mitosis, la meiosis es una forma de división celular eucariota. Sin embargo, estos dos procesos distribuyen el material genético entre las células hijas resultantes de formas muy diferentes. La mitosis crea dos células hijas idénticas, cada una de las cuales contiene el mismo número de cromosomas que su célula madre.
Coal seams are far deep underground to be considered for opencast minings. These coal seams require underground mining. Since it is too deep underground, it can be used for mapping and correlation of sedimentary rocks or as a key bed.