Complete Question:
1. A wireless technology standard for exchanging data over short distances
2. A particular brand of mobile phone/PDA
3. A network that operates over a limited distance, usually for one or a few users
1. Bluetooth
2. PAN
3. Blackberry
1. Bluetooth 2. Blackberry . 3. PAN
1. Bluetooth is a wireless technology standard, used in order to exchange data between mobile devices, like smartphones, tablets, headsets, wearables, over short distances in a one-to-one fashion (which means that it is not possible to build a network based in Bluetooth).
2. Blackberry is a brand of mobile phones/PDAs, very popular a decade ago, because it was the first one to allow mobile users to access e-mails and messages from anywhere, at any time.
3. PAN (Personal Area Network) is an ad-hoc network that it is only available for data exchange at a very short distance, within the reach of a person, i.e. a few meters as a maximum.
It is thought to allow someone to interact with his nearest environment (laptop, tablet, PDA) and it can be wireless (like Bluetooth) or wired (via USB cables).
If we are talking about government then they are smart bc of there two house policies, both are equal yet super unique. They make sure each state has an equal voice in the senate.
If your cpu usage levels are greater than 90% during most of your work session, a faster CPU can greatly increase your computer's performance
CPU usage level is a good indicator for the computer performance.
Generally, computers use a low portion of their CPU power. When you open an application or listen to music on your computer, CPU usage level increases. After CPU intensive process ends, the CPU usage should drop to lower level again.
But if the CPU usage level is high all the time you use the computer, then it means that either there is a problem causing continuous CPU usage or your CPU is not fast enough. In the case of latter, you'd better to have a faster CPU.