<em>The answer is: your GPS unit cannot send signals to the satellite when it cannot reach it by line of sight.
<em>GPS signals are based on frequencies that can be blocked by solid objects (like walls and roofs). A GPS device is using a series of satellites to detect and see where it is physically located. These frequencies are sent from these plates (satellites) and we cannot expect it to go through all kinds of barriers. When you use a GPS inside a building, a wide variety of physical barriers and potential interference sources make it difficult for the device to detect your location accurately.
<em />
<em>Code snippet.</em>
#include <map>
#include <iterator>
map<string, string> contacts;
string name, number;
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
contacts.insert(pair<string, string> (name, number));
map<string, string>::iterator it = contacts.begin();
while (it != contacts.end()) {
name= it->first;
number = it->second;
cout<<word<<" : "<< count<<endl;
I have used a C++ data structure or collection called Maps for the solution to the question.
Maps is part of STL in C++. It stores key value pairs as an element. And is perfect for the task at hand.
You can look at different websites of look on an app for people selling it, or something :p
Option(B) i.e "Merge sort " is the correct answer to the given question .
The merge sort follow the approach of divide and conquer technique .It means firstly it divided the given array into the sub parts that sub parts are sorted in comparing the first value with the adjacent value and perform selection sorting in them it means we swap the value if necessary. This process will continue until all the elements are checked .
- When the sub parts are arranged then we will combine them and getting the new or original array that is in sorted order.
- When we perform the merge sort the extra memory is used which is drawback of merge sort .
- All the other options are not Splitting the array in two parts and perform sorting so these are incorrect option .