1. Eat right. Egg, spinach, Dark chocolate, milk.
2. Include lean protein in your diet<em>, beef, pork, egg whites.</em>
even big pieces would cook all of them them evenly thoroughly and quicker than all the other options
hope this helps :)
Refers to the blood flow to and from the lungs
. oxygenated
pulmonary artery high blood pressure, elevated to over 140/90 (systole/diastole)
Mental: self esteem is good and you feel confident
Social: meet new people if you go to a gym, can hang with your friends if you exercise with them
Spiritual: you feel like you belong
Physical: physically fit and a good body weight
Emotional: feel good aboit your emotions because you have good mental health
Some recipes include pineapple juice and tomato paste, but other version are —made with ketchup and cane syrup
Hope this helped my dude...